Wednesday, January 27, 2010

If To Suffer Is My Destiny …

If to suffer is my destiny,
Then let it be so,
Vivid and known;
And let it be so,
For every skull and bone;
That I will suffer,
With anguish and ail,
Suffer with hope fermenting into pain;
Suffer until your vague hallucinations,
Turn into you,
Like the mist distills into dew.


  1. Really sounds nice.
    It was too hard for me to understand the vocabulary that you used.
    I was having dictionary by the hand to under the meaning. But It was awesome after I understood the flow of poem

  2. Gr8 poem Shashank . Bahut aacha laga padh ke. Last line Dew wali sahi mei bhahut aacha tha.
